Present and Absent:
Rabbi Raachel Jurovics (RJ)
Stacy Grove (SG)
Peter Gabor, President (PG)
Janet Isaacs, Secretary (JI)
Margie Sved, Treasurer (MS)
Carol Gabor (CG)
Stephen Jurovics (SJ)
Les Taylor (LT)
Caro Foulkrod
Lewis Copulsky, Vice President
Jeff Land
PG noted a quorum (8) was present at 4:17 pm and called the meeting to order. PG provided the agenda. RJ discussed how the weekly portion about the Levites, Korach and Moses’ leadership, is applicable to all organizations.
The minutes from the last Board meeting on Sunday April 20, 2014 were circulated and reviewed. Then CG moved them to be accepted and they were unanimously approved. JI thanked RJ for her edits on draft minutes.
PG started the President’s Report by providing an overview of the May Annual General Meeting, noting the high level of participation. Next draft papers about the Center for Deep Ecumenism were circulated. The main points discussed were: 1) This Center is separate from Yavneh membership. 2) For grant-seeking opportunities, this Center needed officers at this time, so that proposals are coming from officials of this 501(c)3 organization who are capable of receiving funding. 3) LC has agreed to be an unpaid officer of this Center, along with RJ. 4) The official name of the Center is proposed as “Center for Deep Ecumenism: A project of Yavneh, A Jewish Renewal Community.” After discussion CG moved and SG seconded this motion: The Board approves creation of the Center for Deep Ecumenism as a project of Yavneh, with an Executive Director and a Director of Operations. The motion was unanimously approved. The Center officers are RJ as Executive Director and LC as Director of Operations.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by MS. Number Crunchers had not been able to provide a fiscal report in time for this meeting. (See previous minutes regarding this ongoing problem.) PG stated that LC is willing to perform the duties now performed by Number Crunchers. This discussion was tabled (LC was not present). MS demonstrated her tracking system for dues payers, member classes, member donors, and non-member donors, which was appreciated by the Board. Yavneh financial status was reviewed, noting that the Spring Fund-raising revenue was $11,000 so far. PG mentioned the plan to send letters with the membership forms to remind all of our fiscal year starting in July.
The Board then went into executive session.
When the regular board meeting resumed, musical preparations for the 2014 High Holy Days were briefly discussed. Next the Rabbi described the good turnout for the first and second dinners with the Rabbi events, which are social and community functions for Yavneh supporters, some of whom do not come often to other more religious functions.
Under Social Action, RJ called attention to the Saturday August 2, 2014 New Hope Alliance Picnic. Yavneh Board Members are encouraged to participate in this new Alliance activity. RJ will provide Board Orientation as part of the next Board meeting after services on Saturday July 26, 2014, as that is the first meeting that the newly elected Board members attend. When LC is available, he will be asked to report about any proceeds to Yavneh from AmazonSmile announced in the weekly updates and the last Board meeting.
JI moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:05 pm.
Minutes prepared July 18, 2014 by Janet Isaacs, Secretary
Approved as edited at the August 24, 2014 Board meeting.
Rabbi Raachel Jurovics (RJ)
Stacy Grove (SG)
Peter Gabor, President (PG)
Janet Isaacs, Secretary (JI)
Margie Sved, Treasurer (MS)
Carol Gabor (CG)
Stephen Jurovics (SJ)
Les Taylor (LT)
Caro Foulkrod
Lewis Copulsky, Vice President
Jeff Land
PG noted a quorum (8) was present at 4:17 pm and called the meeting to order. PG provided the agenda. RJ discussed how the weekly portion about the Levites, Korach and Moses’ leadership, is applicable to all organizations.
The minutes from the last Board meeting on Sunday April 20, 2014 were circulated and reviewed. Then CG moved them to be accepted and they were unanimously approved. JI thanked RJ for her edits on draft minutes.
PG started the President’s Report by providing an overview of the May Annual General Meeting, noting the high level of participation. Next draft papers about the Center for Deep Ecumenism were circulated. The main points discussed were: 1) This Center is separate from Yavneh membership. 2) For grant-seeking opportunities, this Center needed officers at this time, so that proposals are coming from officials of this 501(c)3 organization who are capable of receiving funding. 3) LC has agreed to be an unpaid officer of this Center, along with RJ. 4) The official name of the Center is proposed as “Center for Deep Ecumenism: A project of Yavneh, A Jewish Renewal Community.” After discussion CG moved and SG seconded this motion: The Board approves creation of the Center for Deep Ecumenism as a project of Yavneh, with an Executive Director and a Director of Operations. The motion was unanimously approved. The Center officers are RJ as Executive Director and LC as Director of Operations.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by MS. Number Crunchers had not been able to provide a fiscal report in time for this meeting. (See previous minutes regarding this ongoing problem.) PG stated that LC is willing to perform the duties now performed by Number Crunchers. This discussion was tabled (LC was not present). MS demonstrated her tracking system for dues payers, member classes, member donors, and non-member donors, which was appreciated by the Board. Yavneh financial status was reviewed, noting that the Spring Fund-raising revenue was $11,000 so far. PG mentioned the plan to send letters with the membership forms to remind all of our fiscal year starting in July.
The Board then went into executive session.
When the regular board meeting resumed, musical preparations for the 2014 High Holy Days were briefly discussed. Next the Rabbi described the good turnout for the first and second dinners with the Rabbi events, which are social and community functions for Yavneh supporters, some of whom do not come often to other more religious functions.
Under Social Action, RJ called attention to the Saturday August 2, 2014 New Hope Alliance Picnic. Yavneh Board Members are encouraged to participate in this new Alliance activity. RJ will provide Board Orientation as part of the next Board meeting after services on Saturday July 26, 2014, as that is the first meeting that the newly elected Board members attend. When LC is available, he will be asked to report about any proceeds to Yavneh from AmazonSmile announced in the weekly updates and the last Board meeting.
JI moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:05 pm.
Minutes prepared July 18, 2014 by Janet Isaacs, Secretary
Approved as edited at the August 24, 2014 Board meeting.